So. After my sad, anxiety filled couple of weeks of worry I've sat myself back up and taken the reigns. Bills are being paid, cell phones are NOT being downsized, and I've got lots of fun things coming to help ease my mind! I always joke that I am a list maker, whose list says "make a list". If I'm organized I feel better and more confident. I'm sure everyone is like this but I can admit the toll it takes on me when things are all out of sorts!

Recently I got to perform at Nurse Bettie's in the LES. I love that bar, you should definitely check it out! My girl Calamity Chang hosts a show there every Thursday and decided to have a NY School of Burlesque Class of 2011 show! It was SO great to be back with most of the gang from my first ever show. I see them pretty often but we haven't all performed together in awhile. I was nervous up until I got there. I realized the stage was about a foot bigger than I remembered but it's a whopping 4x5foot space HA! I did a new act, that sadly is really short but I love it's simplicity and slowness and short black gloves! I regret not wearing smaller bottoms (I wore high-waisted retro style ones). Because the act is so short I need more of a wow factor when the super long zipper is coming down. It's seriously like 2 feet long, my favorite part of the dress!
Also just a quick update: I've been performing bare legged more than with tights! Totally wild. Feelin great.
I'm pretty pumped thinking that I'm banking some regular acts. I love my jungle girl "Temptation" act & the newest "Go Slow" one. I'm hoping to make this jellyfish one really count too. Maybe the first song I use won't be the one but right now I'm feeling it!
Ok so I have some shows coming up, mark your calendars:
Friday, June 24th: Fly Me to the Moon
This is my second production in Staten Island but this time the host (and my co-producer) Nick Williams, is also singing us through the oldies with a pianist and *fingers crossed* some drums! I'm excited to announce the lineup because we have some newbies, intermediates, & vets alike: Vada James, Lula Rouge D'Amour, Coco Masala, Evelyn Vinyl, Kita St.Cyr & I of course will be gracing the Full Cup stage.
$10, 9pm doors, Raffle prizes!
Wednesday, June 29: The Pink Room presents: Mulholland Drive Burlesque & Franny's FLICKS
I'll be working the door - come check one of the most successful new shows NYC has to offer!
Double feature for only $15, 8pm
Saturday, July 2nd: CupCakeGoth & Marinara Stardust present a Night of Art & Burlesque
Come check out great local artists with art on display, a burlesque show with DJ Powerchild spinning jams, and dancers providing a free spanking booth for attendees! A beautiful night of art, sexy ladies, and fun!!!
**Finally debuting a jellyfish act. I dreamed it would be my first act ever back in December but the thought was overwhelming and I felt too much pressure so now we'll see what happens! :)

Sunday, July 24th: KITTY NIGHTS!!
MAKING MY DEBUT at this show & venue. I absolutely love Fem Appeal and I GUARANTEE that you will too after you watch her perform and get to chat with her. Incredible.
9pm $5
Friday, July 29th: Drive Thru Burlesque
I am so excited. I haven't been there in awhile - one of the first places that let me work the door then perform. Brought to you by Lefty Lucy (Miss Coney Island 2011) & Sizzle Dizzle. They couldn't be the sweeter to new girls in town!
Alright, laundry is done. I have to paint my nails and get to sleep asap! I had a long day - great day spent outside - but long as hell ma dudes!
Thanks for tuning in! Hope to catch you at a show!
Ciao for now,
PS: In a couple of weeks, I'm heading back to my hometown for a weekend celebration called Patriotic Day. Complete with picnic, booze, and most likely skinny dipping. CANNOT WAIT!
PPS: I've been offered a complimentary corset from a company I shop from pretty often. HOW CRAZY!? Once all is finalized I will share - I am incredibly flattered. Opening that email was amazing!