Meat My Friends - the first installment of a show I produced on my own - was just amazing.
My cast, the audience, the venue. All of it! I'm just gonna say it, I'm so proud of myself for taking it on and pulling it off and am now working on doing it again. People don't say "I'm proud of myself" enough and we should be allowed to!
Staten Island couldn't have been more kind and grateful. I received the nicest of compliments from strangers in the audience, the "thank yous" were overflowing. I am honored to have brought them such an experience and will be DOING IT AGAIN!
I was also super pumped to be partially hosting in a bright "Barbie" pink dress and then revealing my pink, white, & celery (ha!) colored costume. Totally girly, fringe-erfiic and pearls tooo! I really love this costume and for me it was a bigger deal to wear than any of the other ones. I really want to start working on an act that I've always wanted to be my first. It has a huge prop involved with the most beautiful of color schemes it's just gonna take some work to make it exactly how I want it! This is getting easier and feeling better/more right than ever..
If you missed the show or are too far away to have made it - a good friend of mine recorded the ENTIRE show! I'm working on a little reel of it so you can have a taste ;) I WILL POST WHEN IT'S READY TO GO! ha! Or maybe I'll have a viewing party with my close peeps who couldn't make it? Hmm...
Thanks for checking in and making me feel like I'm doing things right. The support from friends inside AND outside of the burlesque/performance community is truly overwhelming. I am endlessly grateful..
Ciao for now,
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