JUST KIDDING! I wanna shout from a mountain top! Well not really, I'd rather be on stage yelling and telling dirty secrets and bad jokes and that's exactly where I'll be! I'm now sitting down with my calendar and am ecstatic with what's written in the dates.
We're just 4 weeks shy of my 28th Birthday. This means - that after a year of shenanigans (read: burlesque classes, to performing, to producing, to hosting) I am now a part of something really over-the-top exciting! As my readers and some friends know, my friend JT and I celebrated our birthdays at the NY Burlesque festival last year and that time has come again. A little twist in the story though, is that at this year's awards ceremony;
The Golden Pastie Awards I'M GOING TO BE A PRESENTER! HOLY SHIT! That means, if you, my pseudo-colleague and probable stage inspiration, win an award I will be one of the girls handing it to you! The hunt for the perfect gown continues - HELP ME, I'M FREAKING OUT AND AM DIRT POOR!
Aside from the immediate anxiety this proposition induced, I am now speechless with delight having said "of course". It will be an honor to share such a night with some people that have unknowingly changed my life forever.
I am happy to say my calendar seems comfortably filled with shows. Here's where you can see me over the next few weeks and hopefully that means you come out!
Sunday, Sept 18 - PERFORMING Kitty Nights at Mug Lounge with the coolest cat of all Fem Appeal
Tuesday, Sept 20 - KITTENING Macao Trading Co. Drunken Dragon Nights with my favorite asian Calamity Chang
Sunday, Oct 2 - PRESENTING Golden Pastie Awards - wow, just wow.
Tuesday, Oct 4 - PERFORMING Regular Life on my Birthday HA! Gotcha! I'm sneaky.
Friday, Oct 7 - PERFORMING FOR THE FIRST TIME Hotel Chantelle Room 69, Chang does it again!
Thursday, Oct 13 - PERFORMING Nurse Bettie's Spankin the LES, Asian Sexsation hahah!
Friday, Oct 14 - HOSTING Drive Thru Burlesque at Parkside Lounge - really looking forward to hosting the Early Bird Special portion of the show. I love chatting up the audience and am so grateful to Lefty Lucy & Sizzle Dizzle for giving me a place to work it out!
*exhale* This is crazy! I can't get over it. Mark your calendars freaks!
I'm coming down from my weekend-in-New Jersey high. I got to celebrate 2 great birthdays with old friends. We sat around a fire, I drank way too much rum and laughed so hard I cried. Best of times.
I leave for LA Thursday morning for a quick job. I need to get out of here for a bit but I wish I wasn't going alone. Whatevs! What can I do. I think I'm having a rough week because I made a sort of bad decision this weekend. It was partially against my will, almost like I was testing myself and now I'm paying for it emotionally. It's way too heavy for me today. I need coffee, a shower, and to head into work so my brain is occupied.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Thanks for reading.
Ciao for now,